Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fish in the Bathtub at Capers Cafe Dunedin

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Capers Cafe Dunedin is one of many cafe’s around the city that I used to frequent years ago. I paid it a visit a couple of weeks ago and got a bit of a surprise when I went to the bathroom. It isn’t everyday that you see fish in a bathtub of what was a very colourful and interesting bathroom.


  1. now thats somthing you dont see every day.

  2. So do you actually take bath at all? On the other side, it's a great way to prevent people from taking a bath. :)

    It's also a great decoration too.

    Nice photo!

  3. Gerri:

    You seem to be doing very well and taking some great photos! Wish you the best in your life.

  4. @Terence,

    Thanks for stopping by. Now, they actually have a sign in there telling people to not even touch the water so a bath would be out of the question.
